Charleston, SC


For over 30 years as an agent of change, Gerald Moore has been inspiring entrepreneurs to achieve unprecedented levels of success. He began his career in commercial banking and moved to a Fortune 500 transportation company where he was named top sales person in the company and inducted into the company’s prestigious sales group, the Roundtable. As a general manager for this company he managed over $55 million in annual revenue and led company initiatives to increase revenue and control costs.

Fifteen years ago he moved into the small business arena as the co-owner of a franchise. Today he is co-owner and CEO of five business units in three states: South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee. The international franchisor tapped Moore to be the VP of Operations where he was responsible for a team of Business Consultants who coached over 200 owners on their strategic business operations. Moore moved into the position of VP of Real Estate and was responsible for the company being honored as an International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Hot Retailer of the Year.

Today he is pleased to bring his vast business knowledge and consulting experience to South Carolina as President of CEO Focus Mid and Coastal South Carolina.


While the coaching platform of CEO Focus is peer group (mastermind) facilitation, Moore will also work with company owners/senior managers on specific issues, including:

  • Strategic planning for organization
  • In-depth financial and cash flow analysis
  • Sales Development
  • Site selection, lease negotiation and renegotiation
  • Franchise development and support services
  • Multi –Site Operations
  • Change management
  • Company innovation
  • Contract negotiations
  • Start ups and Turnarounds
  • Transportation Equipment Leasing

Gerald F. Moore, President
CEO Focus Mid and Coastal South Carolina
130 Gardeners Circle, PMB#I
Charleston, South Carolina 29455
email Gerald