Other info
- CEO Focus has been in business since 2003, and serves thirty US markets
- There is no out-of-town travel with CEO Focus
- Group maximum is fourteen and facilitators can run 3-4 groups
- We use an educational seminar marketing approach to attract members
- There is no cold calling necessary in our marketing system

Detailed Info
How long have you been around?
CEO Focus was formed in 2003. However, we have been involved in CEO peer groups since 1994 through competitive organizations. The peer group industry has been around since 1957. There are CEO peer groups worldwide. This is a concept that works anywhere.
What do clients say about CEO Focus?
Sometimes it can be tricky to get a CEO to let their guard down enough to join. However, once they join, they STAY! Our average member retention is 2-4 years. Once CEOs are involved in the process, they love it.
"Ignorance is NOT bliss. We never knew how much we needed a group like this until we joined! The group and individual sessions add an extra dimension in our quest for balance in our professional and personal lives.”
"After joining the group, I realized there was life outside work."
"Membership inhibits my ability to procrastinate. The facilitator and the group hold me accountable."
"CEO Focus is an excellent medium for sharing ideas and experiences associated with running ones' own business."
"The Group has helped develop my skills as a CEO and develop a broader picture of issues outside of my industry. The friendships that are also gained are even more valuable."
What can I expect in regards to my income?
There are quite a few variables: how well you market, how hard you work, and how well you do the coaching. The members pay $595/month. A hard working facilitator can run 3 full groups in 3 weeks a month. Additional income can be earned with optional consulting.
What can I expect in regards to my lifestyle?
The workload will definitely be heavy in the early stages. However, this is never a 16-hour-a-day job. Ten hours is a very full day in our world. Once you get your groups going, 8-hour days are the norm. Our model not only allows for frequent vacations, but it also allows for guilt-free ones. You can schedule vacations, so the clients will never know you are gone. You do not need to take your cell phone or laptop on vacation.
Is there travel involved?
Yes and no. We operate in metro areas. Clients are almost always located within 50 miles of downtown. By grouping client meetings by geography, there is minimal driving. You will sleep in your own bed every night.
I’ll bet there is a ton of cold calling or some nasty sales activity
There is not a lot of cold calling. Cold calling can be a part of the initial strategy, but it does not have to be.
Marketing is an ongoing activity. If you just want to do the coaching work, you are a bad fit for our model. We offer proven methodologies for sales and marketing. You will be able to match your skills with the methods that will work the best for you.
Do I have to move??
No. We are looking for quality facilitators in many markets. However, we do use territories to protect the income potential of our facilitators. The only scenario that would require a move is if a territory were full.
Is there a lot of supervision?
No. In essence, you are an independent business unit and will be treated accordingly.